Itā€™s the end of the road for the Apple Car

Fresh claims that Apple has shelved its project to build a semi-autonomous vehicle have emerged, and this time they ring true. But the company will be enjoying the benefits of its efforts for years to…

What to do with your Vision Pro

To get some sense of the future for Appleā€™s new Vision devices, early adopters might  want to explore, which seems to deliver some of the elements of the augmented reality (AR) vision we think…

Apple can only resist AI transparency for so long

Appleā€™s 2024 Proxy Statement for its annual shareholderā€™s meeting reveals several little-known initiatives it’s been following to improve artificial intelligence (AI) across its product range, and the company seems to go a little further than…

Apple gets smart about tech support and genAI

Self-healing machines are becoming a reality, one generative AI (genAI) fault diagnosis tool at a time; one day, even your iPhone will tell you when it thinks it has a problem. Thatā€™s the logical next…

Killing VMware

When Broadcom bought VMware for $69 billion last November, we knew there would be changes. What we didn’t know is that Broadcom’s radical changes would leave partners and customers alike questioning their commitment to VMware….